Frequently Asked Questions

Business Broker Referral Agents


Q. How soon can I start?

A. As soon as your active real estate license has been transferred to (DRE
License # 02180589) dba Business Broker Referral Agents and you have sent us your completed Application and Independent Contractor Agreement.


Q. When will I get paid?

A. Within 5 business days of closing a transaction in which you made a referral.


Q. If I decide to become actively involved in real estate sales, can I transfer to full
service status with

A. Absolutely.


Q. May I refer myself to Business Broker Referral Agents and get paid a referral fee?

A. Absolutely.


Q. Can I get paid for referring a licensed real estate agent to you?

A. Yes. While you are licensed with us, we will pay you $100 every time we pay a referral fee to
an agent you have referred to us.


Q. Can a newly licensed real estate agent become a Referral Agent?

A. Absolutely.


Q. Can I designate the agent with that I want to represent the
people I refer?

A. Yes.


Q. Can I earn referral fees by referring buyers and sellers of real estate?

A. Yes. Please visit: